Sex Games: The Three-Step Guide to Sexy Fun


The Three-Step Guide to Household Sex Games

by Jocelyn Saurini

Before you introduce sensual games into your bedroom, make sure you have a game plan. We suggest following these three steps:

Step One: Agree on the Rules

Before you play anything, make sure you and your partner agree on the rules of the game. While it's nice to surprise your lover with a game to liven things up, it's even better to show your lover that you respect them enough to sit down with them before playing and make sure the game is going to be enticing for both of you, not exciting for one of you and awkward for the other. For example, if your partner is uncomfortable with certain sexual acts, one of the rules should be that no prize or part of the game would involve doing that act. Sit down and write out a document that outlines what you each can and cannot do, and stick to it.

Step Two: Pick Your Prizes

Most lover's games involve assigning sexual acts as the prizes. Not everything has to involve intercourse, oral sex or getting naked; pick different sexual acts for different results in the game. Making some softer suggestions, such as giving a shoulder rub, washing each other's hair, doing a sensual dance or feeding each other, will mix things up and make your games more fun. Before you even start, you should take some time to brainstorm all the things, large and small, wild, relaxing and softly sensual, that you'd like your partner to do to you, and make a nice, long list.

Step Three: Play a Game!

Buy a lover's board game such as Sex by Kheper Games.  We do suggest that you start with simple games and work your way up to the trickier, more time-consuming games. If you find that you and your partner don't enjoy sensual games (not everyone does), then you won't want to have wasted a ton of dough on games you don't want.

Remember, winning isn't everything! The best part about incorporating sexual games into your life is that both you and your partner win every time you play! Not only do sexual games open up communication between partners, but they also make it easy to try new things, experiment with your likes and dislikes, and ensure your sex life never becomes routine. Dust off the card deck, get your imagination to work and set one night a week aside for game night!