Blog 9 Sexiest Film Soundtracks

Soundtrack isn’t typically thought of as one of the A-list Oscars. Those are Best Picture, all the acting awards and director. And yet music is critical to the creation of atmosphere. Jaws gave us a theme so scary that anyone who ever saw it, especially in the theater, could name that tune in two notes. Psycho, Star Wars, The Godfather, Gone with the Wind – how would lesser soundtracks have altered the impact of these epic pictures? Just a few notes of each can bring feelings of romance or fear winging back into our minds.

Music is critical to the atmosphere of sex, too, so in honor of the Academy awards last weekend, we offer nine of the sexiest film soundtracks ever. The list is in no particular order – they’re all winners and hopefully may one day help create an award-winning night for you.

1. Boogie Nights. You simply can’t get this many 70’s classics onto one CD and not raise the libido rate, possibly for miles around. If you’re ever not in the mood, I give you The Chakakas: Jungle Fever (#3 on the Boogie Nights album)

2. Purple Rain. Two words: Darling Nikki. ‘Nuff said.

3. Vicky Cristina Barcelona. Meltingly sensuous Spanish music scores an equally steamy-but-sophisticated film. Start with Entre Los Aguas and take it from there.

4. Pulp Fiction.  Surf guitar is underrated as a juicy genre and Dick Dale delivers a hardcore punch with the opening song, Miserlou (originally performed by Michalis Petronis in 1927) perfect for those times when you want to start out hot and heavy and then pull back to something more sensual.

5. Superfly. True the Boogie Nights soundtrack is real 70’s music but Superfly feels waaay more like the real, raw thing. And no one ever went wrong with Curtis Mayfield.

6. Fire Walk With Me David Lynch might not seem like the best example of lovey-dovey anything but Angelo Badalamenti’s soundtracks to his work are always rich, mystical and mood-setting. Listen to The Pink Room on this link to Amazon (you have to click the “Listen to Samples” button) and see if you don’t agree.

7. Passion – The Last Temptation of the Christ. Stay with me here – I know it doesn’t sound romantic but Peter Gabriel’s abstract soundtrack has a haunting sensuality you can hear best in its first track The Feeling Begins.

8. 9 1/5 Weeks. Maybe it’s Bryan Ferry, maybe it’s my 80’s soul but ...

9. The Omen. Kinky.